Rarest In The World! Ring of Fire Philodendron - 4" Pot
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Product Description
The rarest, most sought after Philodendron in the world. Leaves have 5 colors.
The Philodendron Ring of Fire is believed to be a hybrid between the Philodendron Tortum (polypodioides) and the Philodendron Wendlandii. It will cope with a variety of lightings, but it will shine its brightest when it's kept in lots of bright, indirect sunlight. The best time to water your philodendron is when the top 1/3 layer of soil (i.e. top 1/3 of stick) is dry. The soil should never be drier than that though.
Great as a house plant, adds a tropical feel.
Grows almost anywhere in the house
Keep soil evenly moist, but not wet or dry
Thrive on totems
Some small leaf loss and dirt loss in normal in shipping.