Elephant Garlic Bulb - Be Healthy & Heart Smart! - One Top Size Bulb
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Product Description
Elephant Garlic (Allium ampeloprasum). Mild garlic-like flavor. The bulbs commonly weigh a pound or more each. The cloves are very easy-peeling. You'd think you have a giant hard-neck here, but the bulbs keep very well, more like a soft-neck garlic. Elephant Garlic is also popular and profitable market gardeners' crop in some areas. Elephant Garlic is not a true garlic at all, but an enormous bulbing leek. But, it is grown like garlic, with a few minor differences. The bulbs commonly weigh a pound or more each. Each clove will grow a bulb of 3-6 ounces. 3-5 cloves is sufficient for most gardeners. 1 pound of cloves plants a 5 foot row.