Orange Pitcher Calla Lily Bulb - Zantedeschia - 14/16 cm

MSRP: $12.99
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Product Description

Clump of upright spotted foliage surround vase-shaped blooms on long stems; often used by florists. Callas are easy to grow in damp soil in full sun to partial shade. In a seamless ombre blend from yellow to coral, ‘Orange Pitcher’ Calla Lilies add a juicy splash of color to any garden or patio display. These excellent trumpet-shaped flowers create a lush tropical sunset anywhere you plant them. Cut for a summertime bouquet where these orange beauties will pop.
  • Orange/Yellow
  • Mature Height: 10-14 inches and blooms all summer and fall
  • Prefers sun.
  • Zones 8-11, elsewhere dig and store in the winter
  • Immediate Shipping. One 14/16 cm bulb