Martha Washington Regal Geranium - Pelargonium - 6" Pot - Grow Indoors or Out

MSRP: $19.99
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Product Description

Bloom color will vary. The regal geranium (Pelargonium domesticum), also called the Martha Washington geranium, is traditionally used as an indoor flowering plant. The regal can also be planted outside year-round in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 10 and above. It also makes an attractive display in a container on a porch or patio. Considered a fancy leaf geranium, the regal has predominately green, but may also have variegated, green and white foliage. This native of South Africa can bloom for well over 30 years when showered with tender loving care Pelargoniums or scented leaf geraniums are aptly described as living potpourri for the home. They are not grown for their flowers, but for their scent. Most are native to South Africa and became popular with Victorians when the colonists brought them back to Britain with them. Unlike other garden plants that are fragrant only when blooming, scenteds are fragrant all year long. The scent is contained in the small beads of oil produced in the glands at the base of the leaf hairs. Bruising or crushing the leaves breaks the beads and thus the plant releases its scent. All are wonderfully fragrant and have a distinctive smell. Outside during the summer they prefer sun or part-sun. Bring them indoors in the winter, place them in a sunny window and they make an excellent house plant plus they have delicate, lavender-pink blooms. Botanical Name: Pelargonium ‘Attar of Roses’ pel-ar-GO-nee-umCommon Name: Geranium, Scented geranium Genus: Pelargonium Rose-scented leaves and clusters of pale pink flowers adorn this trailing geranium. Grow in a location where the foliage can be touched and, thus, the scent released. Noteworthy characteristics: Rose fragrance, mauve flowers. Excellent in containers. Care: Grow in full sun, but provide afternoon shade when temperatures rise above 90°F. It will not tolerate poorly drained soils. In containers, ensure both moisture and excellent drainage by using a good potting mix. Use a timed-released fertilizer in the soil or an all-purpose liquid fertilizer when you water. Pelargoniums like magnesium, and a teaspoon of Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate) added to each gallon of fertilizer solution every few watering's will adequately supply this nutrient. As with plants in the ground, place containers in full sun, but move into afternoon shade during very hot weather.
  • Easy to grow, water when on the dry side, but before wilting
  • Prefers morning hot afternoon sun
  • Grow outdoors in pots, bring inside in the winter
  • Mature Height: 12-15 inches
  • Immediate shipping 6" pot, bloom color will vary


  • 5
    great geranium

    Posted by elvis on May 16th 2018

    arrived with flower buds