A spectacular houseplant, and perfect for cutting. No staking! Ranunculus is among the most beautiful of all flowers. Well, Magic White sports a dwarf habit, short-stemmed (but big) blooms! Give it a whirl this season and we think you'll be delighted by the lush, bright, many-petaled opulence of this Persian Buttercup. The flowers are fully double, absolutely jammed with petals held in a whorled pattern like Roses, but they are far, far longer-lasting. The colors include bright shades of red, rose, orange, yellow, pink, and white. They appear on 6- to 8-inch stems above the large green foliage of this neat little plant. Expect the plant to reach just 8 to 10 inches high and wide. You never need to stake these blooms! A fine houseplant in indirect light, it is trouble-free. If grown outdoors, it will bloom in spring. Hardy in zones 8-10 or indoors; In cooler regions dig and store the bulbs in the winter.
Zones 8-10 or indoors
Mature Height: 12-16"
Prefers sun or part-sun
Easy to grow
Immediate shipping