Big Blue Muscari - Liriope - Lilyturf - Sun/Shade - 48 Plants

MSRP: $74.99
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Product Description

Family: Liliaceae (lily family). Forms shorter tufted clumps with grassy evergreen foliage, dark violet blue flower spikes resembling hyacinths bloom late summer through fall. Liriope, also commonly called border grass is not actually a grass but a member of the lily family, a fact that inspires another of its common names, lilyturf. The dark green, ribbonlike foliage grows in length from 10 to 18 in (25-46 cm) and then recurves toward the ground to form rounded clumps. As the clumps mature they merge into a continuous carpet that resembles a plot of shaggy lawn grass. In summer, spikes of showy purple, flowers rise from the center of clumps. Flowers are followed by pea-sized black or white berries in autumn. Liriope spreads quite fast in reasonable soil, creating a substantial tuberous root mass. Liriope is a native of the shady forest floors of Eastern Asia including regions in China, Taiwan and Japan. This plant is a true survivor and will grow almost anywhere! Sun to shade. Hardiness: Zones 7-11. Use liriope to outline planting beds and to trace the route of paths and walkways. Because it is inexpensive and fast growing, this is an ideal shape defining plant in the landscape, traits that have earned it another common name-- border grass. Liriope is one of the best and most beautiful ground covers for shady gardens and even boasts summertime color. Because of its dense root mass, liriope is an excellent choice for controlling erosion on steep, shady slopes by stabilizing the soil and suppressing weed growth - no mowing either! The evergreen foliage is thick and luxurious and fallen leaves and debris tend to disappear within. Liriope is tough, easy to grow.
  • Sun to Shade
  • Zones: 5-9
  • Mature Height: 8-10"
  • Blooms: Late Summer-Fall
  • Immediate shipping, 48 plants in a flat