Zenzi Dwarf ZZ Plant - Zamioculcas zamiifolia - Hardy House Plant - 4" Pot
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Product Description
ZZ plants are one of the best houseplants for lower light situations. Zenzi is a new cultivar with a very compact habit and cute dark green leaves. This plant is perfect for a desk or island. ZZ plants are great plants for purifying the air in your home as well!
Strange but beautiful. A caudex-forming aroid from Kenya has 3in, shiny-green leaves arranged distichously along bottle-shaped stems, giving a cycad-like appearance. Easy to grow, good as a houseplant, bonsai, for shaded landscapes or terrariums.
An ancient relic, along with Gonatopus, with a unique characteristic (for Aroids) in that the leaflet can fall to the ground, root and form bulblets. This feature is not known in aroids outside of the Zamioculcadeae.