Winter Magic Snow Love Lenten/Christmas Rose - Helleborus - Shade Lover - 3" Pot
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Product Description
Helleborus are perfect perennials when you need a splash of color as you weary of winter's grip. Lovely nodding cup-shaped flowers herald the coming of spring. Avoid dry soil with full sun. Good evergreen groundcover. Prefers humus-rich, well-drained soil and regular watering. Cut back flowering stems after bloom to promote new foliage growth and to prevent prolific self seeding. Many plantlets will form around base of parent plant and will bloom around the third year if left alone. Division is generally not needed but can be performed in early spring if desired. Hardy in zones 4-9. Height: 16 inches.
Creamy white to yellow flowers appear early spring and develop a greenish tinge as they mature. The big outfacing flowers are held well above the powder-grey, leather foliage. Vigorous, deer-resistant clumps continue to become more floriferous every year to make this the perfect evergreen for pots, or a dry shady spot in the garden.