Winecraft Black Smokebush - 4" Pot - Cotinus - Proven Winners
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Product Description
A feast for the eyes from spring through autumn!
Winecraft Black™ is the first Proven Winners smokebush, so you know it must be special. In spring, round leaves emerge rich purple but as summer's heat comes on, they turn a deep near-black tone and finally light up in an array of reds and oranges in fall. In early summer, large, soft panicles of bloom appear that become the misty "smoke" that makes this such a popular landscape plant. Unlike other smokebush, it naturally has a rounded, dwarf habit which means that finally, every landscape has room for this unique plant.
Zones 4-8
Bloom Time: Early Summer
Light: Sun
Mature Height: 48 - 72 Inches
Immediate shipping in 4" pot. Plants ordered during winter months are shipped dormant.