Beans have been a staple food in cuisine throughout the world for thousands of years. Archaeologists have discovered beans in ancient Egyptian tombs and in ruins of Native American habitats in the Southwestern United States. Well-known as a powerhouse of nutrition, beans can also be a foundation for imaginative dishes. Abundant with soluble fiber, they combine well with grains. They are virtually fat-free, have no cholesterol and are a good source of vitamins. The mild flavor makes them perfect partners with sandwiches and main dishes.
60 days. Vermont Cranberry Bean - Phaseolus vulgaris. Plant produces good yields of flavorful bean. Excellent for soups and baking.
Old-time northern New England variety, known before 1876
Excellent sweet flavor. Great for salads and relishes
Bumper crop in short summers
Vermont Cranberry bean can be harvest young as a green bean or allowed to dry