Shoebutton Plant - Ardisia humilis - Tropical House Plant - 3" Pot
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Product Description
Ardisia humilis is a slow-growing tropical shrub with elongated leaves that emerge red and fade to green. We rarely see tropical shrubs as houseplants, so we are stoked to offer this plant! While its foliage is beautifully dense and glossy, the most breathtaking part of this plant are its unusual, pink blooms. With enough light, the plant will grow clusters of showy, star-shaped flowers that look similar to the blooms of Hoya multiflora. The blooms are followed by colorful ornamental berries. Medium to bright, indirect light. Water when top half of soil dries out. This plant appreciates extra humidity and prefers not to dry out entirely. We cannot ship this item to the state of Florida
Easy to grow tropical house plant
Water when top half of soil begins to go dry
Prefers medium to bright, indirect light
Will develop pink clusters of star shaped blooms with proper care