Rare White Princess Philodendron - 4" Pot - Collector's Series
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Product Description
Philodendron ‘White Princess’ (Philodendron erubescens)
The White Princess is a Philodendron variety with dazzling green and white foliage. Take this gorgeous plant indoors – it thrives best under bright indirect sunlight.
Here are the main care requirements for making the most of the stunning white variegated foliage of the philodendron white princess:
Position in bright, indirect light.
Pot in rich, well-drained potting mix.
Water regularly, but allow the soil to dry slightly before irrigating.
Keep in a warm spot with high humidity.
Rare tropical beauty with eye-catching white variegated foliage
Great gift for the home, apartment, office, dorm or den
Prefers bright, indirect light or artificial light