Win the hydrangea jackpot with Powerball™ panicle hydrangea (H. paniculata)! This interesting new selection combines the USDA zone 4 hardiness and rock-solid reliability of panicle hydrangeas with the irresistible round flower shape more typically associated with H. macrophylla for an irresistibly showy display. Very large inflorescences are comprised of densely packed florets that start out a refreshing lime green, turn to creamy white, then age to an array of pink shades in late summer/early autumn. This healthy, vigorous panicle hydrangea has sturdy stems that hold the big, rounded blooms firmly upright, despite their large size. Useful 3-6' tall size provides abundant design opportunities in the landscape or garden.
Flower color: green,pink
Blooms change color to a rich deep pink in the autumn