Orange Starfish Succulent - Huernia Orbea schweinfurthii - 4" Pot
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Product Description
Orbea schweinfurthii is a mat-forming succulent with slender, branching stems with widely spaced tubercles ending in a conical tooth. The stems are prostrate to ascending, reaching up to 6 inches in length. The tubercles are spreading to slightly ascending, measure up to 0.6 inche long, and are arranged more or less into four rows along the stem.
The flowers are star-shaped, densely papillate, deep yellow corolla with dark maroon spots inside and pale yellow to cream corona speckled with purple. They are about 0.6 inches in diameter and appear in summer and fall. Provide a sunny location and water when dry. A gritty compost is essential, and clay pots are advisable for the more delicate species. Some growers prefer mineral-only compost to minimize the chance of a fungal attack on the roots. A layer of grit on the surface of the compost prevents moisture from accumulating around the base of the stems.
Strange succulent plant native to South Africa
Star shaped blooms
Loves the sun or part-sun
Water when dry
Immediate shipping in a 4" pot, may not be in bloom