JAZZ HANDS® Pink Chinese Fringe Flower - 4" pot - Loropetalum
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Product Description
Jazz Hands® Loropetalum are strong growing varieties with outstanding form, flowers and foliage.
Mature Height and Spread: 3-5' Considered a dwarf variety.
Jazz Hands Dwarf Pink Loropetalum has cool purple foliage with a cranberry undercurrent. It combines beautifully with the hot pink blooms. This showy little dwarf plant fits easily into residential landscapes and container gardens, and is a great match with Jazz Hands Dwarf White also referred to as Jazz Hands White
Foliage Interest
Zones: 7b-9
Mature Height: 3-5'
Sun to Part Shade
Blooms: Spring
Immediate shipping in 4" pot. Dormant shipping in winter.