FLAVORETTE™ Honey-Apricot Rose - Proven Winners - 4" Pot
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Product Description
Flavorette™ Honey-Apricot rose was selected specifically for its lush, full flowers, vigorous growth, as well as sensuous texture, and sweet, fruity flavor of its petals. We know that edible roses are a new market in North America, but thanks to the dedication and vision of the Serbian breeders and the work our team has put into trialing for production and landscape performance, we're confident that the Flavorette series will appeal to rose-lovers, herb gardeners, and foodies alike. Use them in sweets, salads, and infusions for a uniquely flavorful touch to summer meals and treats.
Growing Zone 4 - 8
Orange Flowers
Height 3 - 4'
Bloom Time Summer
Immediate shipping in 4" pot. Plants ordered during winter months are shipped dormant.