Pinkeye Purple Hull' are productive, compact, 2'-tall plants that don't need to be staked, and produce prolifically in drier conditions than other beans. Cowpeas, also called crowder peas, are very nutritious, low in fat and high in fiber and protein. Serve with cooked greens, ham hocks, and rice for a traditional Southern dish, or add to your favorite soup or stew. 62 days for fresh; 90 for dry cowpeas. 25 grams approximately 100 seeds.
When to Sow Outside: RECOMMENDED. 1 to 2 weeks after your average last frost date, and when soil temperature is at least 65°F, ideally 70°–85°F. Successive Sowings: Every 7 to 14 days up to 80 days before your average first fall frost date. NOTE: In very hot summer areas, skip sowing as high heat approaches; temperatures consistently above 90°F will prevent beans from forming.
When to Start Inside: Not recommended; bean seedlings are sensitive to root disturbance.