Get A Head Start On Your Vegetable Garden! by Alan Hirt
Posted by Alan Hirt on Feb 15th 2014
The easiest way to get a head start on your peppers and tomatoes is to purchase small plants and grow them on a sunny windowsill until the threat of frost is over. Then plant them outside. It's easy.
Purchase starter plants in 2 or 3" pots and place them on a sunny windowsill. Keep them evenly moist, not wet or dry. It's a good idea to turn them daily so they grow straight. If necessary stake the small plants to keep them straight. As planting season approaches you can harden them off and get them ready for the outdoors by first placing them in part sun, outdoors and after a week move them to full sun. Again check them daily for water, keep them evenly moist not wet or dry. If frost is predicted move them indoors for the night. As soon as the threat of frost is over in your area go ahead and plant them. Peppers should be planted at the same depth as they were in the pot. However; tomatoes are amazing because they root all up the stem and can be planted deeper if they are too tall.
Using this technique you can have fresh produce weeks earlier than your neighbors. A win win!