Black Pagoda Lipstick Vine - Aeschynanthus marmoratus - 2" Pot
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Product Description
Scientific name: Aeschynanthus Marmoratus - the updated name is Aeschynanthus longicaulis
Synonyms: Lipstick vine, Lipstick plant, Zebra basket plant
Maroon venation marking glossy green leaves. Equally bold blooms during the late summer and early fall, but can flower anytime throughout the year.
The Lipstick Vine is really popular for a reason, and looks fantastic in a hanging basket display or in a plant hanger in a number of places around your home. By increasing the brightness and humidity the growth will speed up, but otherwise it’s a steady plant to look after with minimal effort. Many houseplants are grown solely for their foliage, but this plant has beautiful blooms AND standout foliage - win-win! Natives of the West Indies, the plants grow as epiphytes in the wild, but they're most comfortable in hanging baskets in the home. Blooms should come and go all year if the plant has suitable bright light and adequate water. The soil shouldn't dry out completely, but should not be soggy. Like all plants from the tropics, lipstick plants suffer in low humidity. Try misting the leaves to increase the humidity.
Proper name: Aeschynanthus longicaulis
Bold foliage and blooms
Prefers morning sun or very bright, indirect light
Keep evenly moist, not wet or dry
Immediate shipping in a 2" pot, currently not in bloom