Amaryllis Kit: Red Lion - Gift Box - Large Bulb, Pot and Soil - Netherland
Simple 44752ff1
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Product Description
Deep red. Holland's finest strain produces more huge flowers per bulb than any other strain. The spectacular breathtaking beauty of the brilliant colors must be seen to be believed. Blooms over 8" across. We are also offering three double varieties that are unsurpassed for their exotic beauty and colorful, long lasting flowers. Large size bulbs should produce two huge stems each with 4-5 giant flowers per stem. Complete instructions are included with each order and directions for blooming care to insure repeat blooming in successive years. Best grown indoors. Bulb size 26-28 cm in circumference.
Cooler fresh bulbs stored in our temperature controlled bulb storage rooms. Amaryllis bulbs stored in warehouses have a much shorter blooming period.