Dwarf Holly Fern - Cyrtomium fortunei var. clivicolum - Quart Pot

MSRP: $17.99
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Product Description

Grow in moist, humusy, well-drained soils in part shade to full shade. Too much sun may bleach out the pale yellowish-green color of the pinnae. Good soil drainage is essential to protect roots from rotting in winter. Charms with glossy, dark green, holly-like leaves all year. Adds an evergreen texture and a touch of elegance to borders, containers or terrariums. Cyrtomium fortunei, commonly called holly fern, has fronds that resemble holly branches. It is native to Japan, Korea and China. It is an evergreen fern that typically grows 12-24” tall and features stiff, upright, dull green fronds (to 2 1/2' long), each with 12-26 pairs of stiff, leathery pinnae. Plants have escaped gardens and naturalized in certain areas of the deep South and Oregon. Var. clivicolum (sometimes listed as var. clivicola) differs from the species by its (a) more compact size, (b) more lanceolate and slightly larger pinnae that do not exceed 12 pairs per frond, (c) pinnae color is pale yellow green, and (d) fronds are more horizontally arching. Genus name comes from the Greek kyrtos meaning arched in reference to the fern habit.
  • Zones 5-9
  • Container grow or plant in a shaded garden, woodland setting
  • Part to Full Shade
  • Mature Height: 12-18" Spread: 12-24"
  • Immediate shipping